Audio-Technica Adds VISCA-over-IP and Voice Lift to Its ATND1061 Beamforming Ceiling Array Microphone

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Audio-Technica announced that the ATND1061 Beamforming Ceiling Array Microphone has received upgrades with its latest firmware update, including VISCA (Video System Control Architecture)-over-IP and Voice Lift technology. The company says VISCA offers synchronized control of multiple video peripherals, improving interoperability and meeting equality. Using VISCA-over-IP, users can position the camera to match with the audio captured by the ATND1061. This creates a more natural experience in hybrid calls, improving meeting equality. Learn more about why A-T chose this protocol here.

A-T says ATND1061 also now includes Voice Lift, a feature that has been requested by end users. The purpose of Voice Lift is to boost the audio heard by listeners at the farthest distance, to the level of an unaided listener sitting closer to the talker. Simply put, Voice Lift technology improves the communication environment in a space where voices don’t carry (i.e., larger rooms). The company says it’s not sound amplification throughout a room–just a subtle lift for the areas where it’s more difficult to hear the speaker. Whether it’s a classroom, meeting room, or other type of space, Voice Lift makes a presenter’s words more intelligible. The technology also alleviates speaker and listener fatigue. The person speaking doesn’t need to strain to be heard, and the people in the back of the room don’t need to strain to listen. Easy to set up and use, A-T says Voice Lift “drastically improves” the user and integration experiences for those employing the ATND1061 in large spaces.
