Latest headlines: Scott Tiner on renting or buying equipment for higher ed, plus news from Extron, AVer Information, ViewSonic and more
October 12, 2023 | Volume: 16 | Issue: 19
For those of you working in the higher-ed sector, when do you decide to rent versus buy AV equipment? Scott Tiner writes about how there is no truly correct answer but that it all comes down to the pros and cons depending on your needs and budget. Check out his latest column for more.
Also, AVer Information sent rAVe a sneak peek of its lineup at the EDUCAUSE conference in Chicago, Extron is now shipping its XPA Ultra FX Series power amplifiers and more.
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In my experiences and through education, my view has always been that there is no “one good” answer when it comes to lease or buy. Which makes it even more frustrating when companies push it on you. They try to make you feel like it is the best option possible, and you simply don’t understand finances if you don’t agree with them. I am writing to remind you that there are two sides to this argument, and they both have pros and cons.