Latest headlines: Megan A. Dutta with 23 things manufacturers have planned for 2023, plus news from Pure Fi, Draper, L-Acoustics and more
January 4, 2023 | Volume: 20 | Issue: 1
Welcome to 2023, a year that will hopefully be more predictable than the past few we’ve had. While 2022 pushed us closer to something that vaguely resembled “normal,” I want to hope that 2023 will be where we find our rhythm. I’m excited to read “Kayye’s Krystal Ball,” a yearly piece Gary loves to write, and I love to edit. (Here’s last year’s.) I expect he’ll have thoughts about the HomeAV industry, as rumor has it, the resimercial industry continues to widen as UCC products become a staple in the office and at home.
Speaking of which, check out Megan A. Dutta’s latest article on some things AV manufacturers have planned for the next year. Also, Murphy Daley writes about the importance of getting rid of our old ideas of AV as we get ready to embrace the future.
The only question is … what will that future look like?
A new year has begun. 2023 will usher in a chance for the ProAV industry to create, innovate and grow. We spoke with 23 different manufacturers—like AtlasIED, Shure and Legrand—to see what’s on they have in store for the year ahead. Here’s what they had to say…
The world is changing; it’s asking AV to level up. AV professionals have mastered the skills of what used to be. Just like the early days of my internship, the AV professionals became educated with the things immediately in use. There were easily identifiable outlines of basic skills and technologies to master.