Latest headlines: Lee Distad on vendors cutting out resellers, Scott Tiner on AI in AV, plus answer our March temp check survey and more
March 8, 2023 | Volume: 20 | Issue: 5
Lee Distad asks, why have resellers if you’re going to cut them out of the process? He offers an anecdote about a time when a vendor attempted to do this. What do you think?
Also, Scott Tiner writes about all the possibilities that AI has for AV. If we’re just thinking ChatGPT here, we need to think more.
When I start work in the morning one of the steps in my routine is to log in to Alberta Purchasing Connection: that’s the portal of the provincial government that aggregates all the RFQs and RFPs for every level of government in the province: municipal, provincial, as well as ministries and school boards.
With this column, I want to focus more on the concept of artificial intelligence in general and what the future is going to look like. Let’s start with a definition of artificial intelligence. The Oxford Dictionary defines artificial intelligence as “the theory and development of computer systems able to perform tasks that normally require human intelligence, such as visual perception, speech recognition, decision-making, and translation between languages.” In AV, the concept of something that “normally requires human intelligence” is where we will find the power.