Latest headlines: Lee Distad on the good and bad of closeouts/good deals, plus news from EnGenius Technologies, Legrand, Lutron and more
July 13, 2023 | Volume: 20 | Issue: 13
Everybody loves a good deal, but are good deals always good? Lee Distad writes about how sometimes a closeout/deal can get you into a bit of a pickle. If you’re one of those who looks out for a special buy, you’ll appreciate this anecdote!
I can’t believe it’s already time to register for CEDIA Expo 2023! Will we see you in Denver? I hope so; if last year’s show was any indication, this year is going to be an incredible show of all the products and solutions that all of you HomeAVtweeps want to know about. Plus, we’ll only continue to see more resimercial products, so that’s another reason to join us at the show! Find out more here.
My family has a saying, long attributed to my grandfather: “We can’t afford an elephant, but since they’re half price we’ll take TWO!” There’s just something compelling about getting a bargain. That applies not only to people as end users but to businesses too.