Latest headlines: Nathan Haynes on climate change and ProAV, plus news from C2G, E Ink, LG Business Solutions and more
August 16, 2023 | Volume: 21 | Issue: 31
Currently having one of those days where my brain is just on “do not disturb.” Y’all get me? Let’s keep this short because I don’t know what will happen if I stare at this blinking cursor for much longer.
Nathan Haynes writes about how to design for climate change. And before you ask what the heck that has to do with ProAV, you had better just read it because it has much more to do with it than you might think! Read it here.
Also, we have all the latest news, including all the information on the lawsuit Snap One filed recently against Josh. We also have some Commercial Integrator Expo news — and you can still register for the show with our code “RAVECE23.” So we will see you in Denver Sept. 7-9!
As we enter 2024, managing the effects of our changing climate continues to become a hot topic among leading architects and engineers worldwide. These experts have to grapple with our new reality of worrying extremes in temperature in climate zones around the world, from snow in Texas to flooding in India. So, what does this have to do with AV? Or technology as a whole? Well, a lot!