Rants & rAVes — Episode 1223: Here’s How You Can Learn All About Audio at IC23 — and Get a Show Floor Tour, Too!

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AmpThink’s senior design engineer, Rebecca Sullins, joined me on another pre-InfoComm-2023 videocast to talk about her two audio-focused educational sessions at IC23 and her exclusive audio-based show floor tour! AV starts with audio and Rebecca’s integration and live system design background make her uniquely positioned to deliver both “Designing Audio Systems with High Intelligibility” and “Intro to Live Streaming System Design for Performance Spaces” in Orlando during IC23. But, if you’re lucky enough to grab one of only a few guided show floor tours focused on audio tech and products, do it! She’s a fantastic communicator and can break down even the most complicated subjects into bite-sized bits of information. Watch this interview!
