Rants & rAVes — Episode 1266: You Need to Check Out Savant Energy Systems at CEDIA Expo; Here’s Why …

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On the latest episode of Rants & rAVes, Gary invited Savant Systems President J.C Murphy to talk about the value of adding Savant Power Systems to your CEDIA Expo 2023 lineup. In fact, at this year’s show, Savant will show the new Savant Power Storage 20, including a scalable inverter and LFP battery system that houses between 12.5 to 125 kW of storage, delivering from 20 to 200 kWh. As J.C explains in this recording, there’s never been a better time to get into offering renewable energy systems than now as — in addition to having its own professional services team at Savant design the system for you — the U.S. Government is subsidizing this stuff as high as 30%. Watch this!
