Rants & rAVes — Episode 1311: For You AV Folks Interested in Getting Into Digital Signage, You Need to Join DSF
On the latest “Steph Takeover” episode of Rants & rAVes, I speak with Bryan Meszaros of OpenEye Global to talk about the Digital Signage Federation (DSF). DSF’s goal is to educate its members and other stakeholders about digital signage trends, important markets and more through education, networking and advocacy. If you’re someone in AV who […]
Rants & rAVes — Episode 1310: Why WAVIT Is Important to AV
On the latest “Steph Takeover” episode of Rants & rAVes, I speak with Gina Sansivero of AtlasIED about an organization she helped found called Women of AV/IT (WAVIT). The organization aims to create a network of support for women in (or looking to enter) the AV and IT industries. As president, Gina helps with all […]
Registration Now Open for LAVNCH WEEK 9
It’s official—registration is now open for LAVNCH WEEK 9, the industry’s flagship virtual event for ProAV, UCC, digital signage and EdTech practitioners! The event will take place on the LAVNCH platform March 18-24, 2024. “We’re thrilled to be returning with what will be another successful LAVNCH WEEK,” said Gary Kayye, founder of rAVe [PUBS] and LAVNCH WEEK 9 […]