Latest headlines: Our Best of ISE 2023 winners, Gary Kayye on why MTR with Front Row “looks so bad,” plus news from Broadsign, LG and more
February 16, 2023 | Volume: 9 | Issue: 4
What a week it’s been. Well, actually, what a month. Between ISE two weeks ago and putting on rePLAY ISE yesterday, it’s been great! And remember: We’re still prepping for LAVNCH WEEK 7 March 6-9. Have you registered yet?
But let’s get to the content in this newsletter. Gary Kayye writes about why Microsoft Teams Front Row “looks so bad.” Why can’t it display a higher resolution? Read his column for more.
Our other column this time comes from Bob Snyder, and it’s all about Circus Roncalli. Can holographs replace real, live elephants? Read the rest here.
There’s no reason why Microsoft, since the content is being generated from inside the computing device (aka: a computer that’s capable of outputting resolutions much higher than even 5K), can’t display in higher resolution. I am not sure exactly why the spec is this way, especially since the Front Row feature is so darn cool and all the displays supporting it are all listed as 5K with native resolutions of 5120 x 2160.
A few years ago in Germany, the founder of Circus Roncalli, Bernhard Paul was watching an NFL Super Bowl half-time show when an idea came in as clear as a 28-yard field goal. The Circus Roncalli founder decided his circus would no longer feature live animals, turning instead to holographic projections.