Hi, everyone, and welcome back to our security newsletter! This has been such an exciting new project for us to take on, and I’m thrilled you all are along for the ride. From some yearly review pieces from a few of our partners to a detailed account of 23andMe’s data breach (and how the company blamed its users?), there is a lot to unpack this month.
I’m looking quite forward to ISE 2024 — this is the first show I ever noticed security beginning to find its way into AV, and Mike Blackman himself told me to look out for these two industries. How right he was. I can’t wait to see how many security products find their way onto the show floor this year and I can’t wait to show you all what we’ve seen! Don’t forget to register for rePLAY ISE 2024 at 2 p.m. CET and EST (we have two time options so you can choose which suits you best — but the content will be a little different since one is geared more toward Europeans and the other Americans. Anyway — hope to see you there!).
Continue to have a great January and prepare to hear from me next month!