Latest headlines: Scott Tiner on recruiting future #AVtweeps, James Kirby on trends in at-home content creation, plus news from AMX and more
November 29, 2022 | Volume: 11 | Issue: 22
As the time of year comes upon us during which we are reflective and introspective, I urge you to think about how you are recruiting the future of the AV industry. Are we doing everything we can to get the word out? We say so often that AV exists in a vacuum and whether we’re talking about integrators or in-house technology managers (or really any other position in and adjacent to our industry), it might take some creativity to revamp our industry. Check out Scott Tiner’s latest column for more.
In other news, Futuresource Consulting has written an insight all about the trends in home content creation. Previously specific to influencers and the like, at-home content creation has become a staple in our world — a world in which the show must go on even in the midst of COVID-19 and whatever else keeps us home these days. So as the AV industry is rebalancing, I think churches and other HOWs will find this article interesting as we are all finding ourselves looking to at-home options these days.
A recent online discussion hit a familiar theme in AV. How do we attract people to this field? Many of the same questions and suggestions that have been discussed over the years came back up. Do credentials matter? Does credentialing help attract people? Should there be a track in a community college or trade school for AV?
After an extremely successful year in 2020, the home content creation market has undergone a major transformation. Whilst demand is currently experiencing a slowdown, 2021 broke records in terms of market value. That’s according to a new content creator report from Futuresource Consulting, which combines in-depth industry interviews with a 16,000-respondent consumer survey.