Latest headlines: Sara Abrons with trends on the ISE 2023 show floor, plus news from Prolights, Audio-Technica, EAW, LG Business Solutions
February 27, 2023 | Volume: 12 | Issue: 4
I encourage you to check out Sara Abrons’ most recent column for our last February newsletter. As the sole person who watches every. single. rAVe. video. she knows a lot. And she’s also the best person to tell you about all the trends at ISE 2023. Didn’t make it to the show or didn’t make it to every square inch of the show floor? We’ve got you.
Since I didn’t go to the show, I also didn’t really discuss the buzz on the show floor with anyone there or formulate opinions based on what other people thought or on what I heard in press conferences and events. Every insight I’ll talk about here is based exclusively on what was said in the videos recorded by the rAVe team. Here’s what I noticed.