Latest headlines: Mark Coxon with his integrator’s guide to InfoComm 2023, Futuresource Consulting on the future of content creation & more
May 18, 2023 | Volume: 12 | Issue: 9
Check it out, #AVtweeps! Mark Coxon wrote his “Integrator’s Guide to InfoComm 2023.” These are all the things you should know before attending the show (if this is your first time or second time this is extremely helpful). He writes all about how you should plan your schedule, the things you definitely shouldn’t miss out on and more.
Also, our pals over at Futuresource Consulting just finished an insight all about the future of content creation. This is a big deal for houses of worship, as content creation has become a staple of getting the word out. While the hype seems to have died down since the early days of the pandemic, this piece focuses on the bright future ahead. Take a look.
Finally, if you are attending InfoComm, use our code “RAVE” for free access to the show floor and a free T-shirt!
If you live in North America and you’re in the AV industry, then you likely know that InfoComm 2023 is coming June 10-16 to Orlando. With literally hundreds of exhibitors, hundreds of learning opportunities/workshop sessions and tens of thousands of attendees slated to be at the event, it can be hard to determine how you can extract the most value from the show as an integrator. Never fear! As a long-time InfoComm attendee and a contributing editor at rAVe for the past 10 years, I’m here to help!
The COVID-19-induced explosion of the content creation space continues to offer lucrative opportunities, as related technologies evolve and the COVID-19 user base becomes solidified. Intel from Futuresource Consulting’s recent survey shows double-digit growth in market value to over $2 billion in 2021, accounting for over 30% of total professional audio market revenues. This positive outlook comes despite the industry-wide post-COVID jetlag.