Latest headlines: Gary Kayye writes about Zoom’s return to the office (or hybrid), plus news from Extron, Airtame, BenQ, Biamp and more
August 28, 2023 | Volume: 14 | Issue: 16
I don’t have anything quippy for you guys today. It was a rough day to work in Chapel Hill. If you haven’t seen the news, UNC campus was on lockdown for 3 hours today because of an active shooter. We don’t know all the details yet, but we know that a faculty member died. While I’m glad that everyone I know is OK, I’m sad and exhausted that this continues to happen in the world. I want to fix it but I don’t know how. I’m tired.
Sorry, I normally have something more fun to write about, but for now, I think I just want to squeeze my friends. Maybe squeeze your friends and family, too.
I am sure, by now, you’ve likely read all the stories about Zoom demanding all its employees — living within 50 miles of any Zoom office — start working in the office at least two days a week, some three days a week. This, to me, is a bit ironic as, in 2022, Zoom published a survey (that it funded), showing that 69% of workers wanted to choose whether or not to work remotely some of the time or all of the time. So, Zoom seems to be bucking its own data.
After a spell of limited innovation during the pandemic, professional pan-tilt-zoom (PTZ) cameras are entering a new technological era. Futuresource Consulting’s brand-new report reveals that AI and automation are the powerhouses behind many of the new-generation products entering the market, with auto-tracking, facial recognition, and automated camera switching being some key product features.