Latest headlines: Mark Coxon on why our meetings are STILL bad (part 2), Biamp acquires Evoko, and more news from Huddly and more
September 5, 2023 | Volume: 14 | Issue: 17
We have all the tech there is to make a meeting great, right? So why do our meetings still leave something to be desired? Mark Coxon writes the second part of his series and talks about how the world has changed. We don’t NEED meetings for every single thing anymore. It’s actually not good for us to even have back-to-back meetings. Read more of his tips here.
I’m headed to CEDIA Expo/Commercial Integrator Expo tomorrow (or today, depending on your time zone lol) and I’m particularly excited to see you all at the show! Will anyone be there? Feel free to say hi!
There are only three reasons to meet synchronously: to make a decision, forge a team or hold a forum. Sharing information is one of the worst reasons to hold a meeting. In today’s world of rich media distribution, we should be sharing information ahead of time, and the purpose of the meeting should be to discuss the information and determine what to do with it. The meeting should be about action, not information.