Latest headlines: Steph Beckett on why you should attend DSE 2022, plus news from BenQ, Leyard, Uniguest, BrightSign and more
November 11, 2022 | Volume: 14 | Issue: 21
Let’s skip the small talk. I want you to attend DSE 2022, so badly that I even wrote a blog about why you should! There are multiple reasons, from the latest digital signage technology to the great panels and talks, you really don’t want to miss it! So go ahead and register at using the code “RAVEGIFT” for a free pass and check out our preshow coverage here.
Don’t forget to check out the latest releases from Uniguest (Caveman 3.3), Leyard (Luminate Ultra Series) and BenQ (new Smart Meeting Room projector) — have a great weekend!
If you’re an #AVtweep on the internet, you’ve likely heard us talk about how excited we are for DSE 2022. And just like that, the show is next week! Whether you’re local and considering making the drive to Las Vegas or you’re just shy of hitting that “book flight” button, here are some reasons I hope will convince you to attend the show. (It’s Nov. 17-19, by the way!)