Latest headlines: Scott Tiner on important issues of 2023, Rob Voorhees on social media influencing, plus news from LG and more
February 23, 2023 | Volume: 15 | Issue: 4
It’s just like Scott Tiner says: It’s a New Year. As you might remember from our last newsletter, Gary Kayye shared his Kayye’s Krystal Ball — an article detailing his predictions for 2023 (and analyzing his previous predictions for 2022.) In Scott’s piece, however, he looks at some issues we will probably discuss in the next year. What will those talking points be? Read to find out.
Rob Voorhees contributes our next column. He writes about how to “influence” in our industry. I’ve heard this term used a few times in AV, and while influencer doesn’t have the best connotation these days, there are ways to utilize social media to your advantage — and to the benefit of everyone around you. Find out more here.
By the way! Don’t forget to sign up for LAVNCH WEEK 7! Digital Signage Day, March 8, (12:30-4 p.m.) will encompass all the greatest parts of the industry right now. We’ll discuss how digital signage is incorporated into transportation, the retail experience and more.
Over the past several weeks, people much smarter and more creative than I have made predictions on what 2023 will bring to the AV world. These are always fun to read and keep score of throughout the year. Rather than make predictions, I tend to think about what the important issues will be throughout the year. What will be the talking points among our businesses and on social media?
As we delve into the social media realm, the term “influencer” can creep further and further into the negative end of the spectrum. On the flip side of that argument, when used properly, I think social media is one of the single most useful tools that we professionals can utilize. Let me explain why that is — here are my top five practices for Linkedin (and other social media).