Latest headlines: Scott Tiner on subscription models and as-a-service, plus news from signageOS and AVI-SPL, PPDS and more
September 25, 2023 | Volume: 15 | Issue: 18
Hi #AVtweeps! My name is Gibson and I’m the editorial intern for rAVe [PUBS] — nice to meet you! Let’s dive into your latest newsletter.
This issue features a column written by Scott Tiner about the advantages and disadvantages of the subscription model of software. While Tiner approaches this subscription model topic from a higher-education perspective, he brings up some interesting points about the increases in costs of software subscription models (thanks to arguably unnecessary feature updates) and the implications for ROI that are relevant to any software application. What do you think? Digital signage CMS solutions are often centered around this model as well. Is it working for most of you?
You can also check out some interesting case studies from PPDS, LG and more in this edition of rAVe DS!
What has become rampant in software vendors during the past eighteen months, however, are what we view as enormous increases. We have had discussions with several vendors who are telling us that we are getting, or in the next year should expect to get, increases of anywhere from 10-15% in a single year. We have not heard this directly from any of our software for AV needs, but I expect that it will be coming.