Latest headlines: Scott Tiner on diversity in hiring, Paul Konikowski on Uber’s recent cybersecurity incident, plus news from Sony and more
November 3, 2022 | Volume: 15 | Issue: 21
Whether you agree or not, diversity in hiring is important. It’s been said more than once that AV lives in its own world. People may not be sure what our industry is, much less how to join it. That’s why it’s important to encourage people to join our industry from all walks of life. You want to bring in different viewpoints and want all customers to feel welcome. Read more about Scott Tiner’s experience in working to hire a diverse candidate in his workplace. He encourages conversation about how we can all work to accomplish this in AV.
Our next piece is more of a warning: How not to respond if you ever have a cybersecurity incident. Rule #1: Don’t brush it under the rug — these things always have a way of coming out. Learn what Rule #2 and the rest are when you read Paul Konikowski’s column about Uber.
I recently had a position open on my team, and decided that we were going to make recruiting a diverse talent pool a priority. As many have discussed over the years, IT tends to be a very homogenous area (high percentage of white men). This homogeneity leads to groupthink, customers not feeling like they are welcome or understood and a wide variety of other issues. Bringing in diverse experiences, thoughts and beliefs is clearly the best way to improve teams and the service they provide.
Word quickly got out that the young hacker got into a company Slack, and by then, the adversary had already gained full access to the network, impacting the Amazon Web Services console, VMware vSphere/ESXi virtual machines, and the Google Workspace admin dashboard, and they posted the vulnerability reports publicly.