Latest headlines: Scott Tiner on the hyper-political world, Nathan Haynes on the experience economy, plus news from Vivitek, Williams AV
December 16, 2022 | Volume: 15 | Issue: 24
No matter you’re position in working in the education space, you have surely noticed how all these spaces have been changing. People are incredibly open with their views these days; that’s just how things are. But where is the line? Should you include your views in your work life? Should you keep them as separate as you can? Scott Tiner writes about these dilemmas in his latest column. Check it out!
Also, in considering AV technology in general, Nathan Haynes invites you to think about the experience economy. Whether your client is in a high school, elementary school or any type of educational setting, you should focus on what the technology will DO for them to improve their working lives. Read it here.
It seems that now would be a good time for AV companies of all sizes and services to consider working with their teams on determining what they value. Will you take a route similar to Meta and ban staff from discussing “very disruptive” topics while at work? What about when they are in the field? What about what they do with personal social media? Are there differences in how your company views “private” social media and “professional” social media?
Your client is rarely an AV professional — that’s why you’re there! Instead, your client or consumer is looking to you to learn what technology can do for them. How can their lives and the lives of their employees or consumers be better off with your technology-based AV solution?